Travel to help Ella during and after delivery

Travel to help Ella during and after delivery

From Jessica Dax

Brennen and I hope to travel to New York to help Ella during and after the delivery of baby. With your help, we will be able to be with Ella and baby Mirabelle during and after delivery. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Hello friends and family,  I know that times are tough right now for so many.  I am humbly requested help to get to my baby girl when she has her baby.  I was really trying to save up to fund this trip for me and Brennen, but I have not had any extra funds to save.  I can't imagine not being with Ella during this time in her life and I'm hoping that my amazing friends and family are able to help us reach our goal.  The first $1,500 will go towards our flight to New York and then back home.   Any extra we receive will go towards possibly a rental car and a few days in a hotel if needed.  Also for food and such.  Thank you for reading this and for giving, if you're able, and for sharing this fundraiser.  I can not express enough how grateful we are for any help anyone is able to give.

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