Support Genesis: Empower a Dream of Healing

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I am Genesis Andrea Albarran, a 32-year-old Venezuelan physician. I graduated with honors from the University of Los Andes. In 2021, I made the difficult decision to emigrate to the United States due to the humanitarian crisis in my country.

Before leaving Venezuela, I worked as a resident in the Intensive Care Unit of the university hospital during the pandemic. Despite the challenging circumstances, including low salaries and overwhelming patient loads, I remained committed to providing the best possible care to those in need.

Upon arriving in the United States, I continued my journey in the medical field, working for a company conducting clinical trials. While I am passionate about my work, I face the challenge of balancing it with my desire to obtain a medical license in the United States. My full-time job leaves me with limited time to prepare adequately for the licensing exams.

Despite the financial responsibilities I bear as the sole support for my parents and brother back in Venezuela, I am determined to pursue my dream of becoming a licensed physician in the United States. I believe in my ability to pass the exams, but the demands of work and family have forced me to postpone this crucial step in my career.

My journey is a testament to resilience and determination in the face of adversity. I remain hopeful that I will achieve my goals and inspire others to pursue their dreams with courage and perseverance.

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