Getting Back On Our Feet

Getting Back On Our Feet

From Douglas Perkinson

My wife and I have both experienced strokes the the past 6 months. While health insurance covered the majority of bills, both of us not being able to return to work has created much financial shortfall to pay bills.

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Hello to everyone who may be reading this post. The cover image is a photo of my wife Faith and I not so long ago. Since that photo was taken, our lives' have been turned upside down. First, Faith had a stroke, and her recovery has not been so good. She has no feeling or movement at all on her left side. She is constantly dizzy, from what the doctors say are result of where her stroke occurred. She requires 100% assistance to move.

To compound that upheaval in our life, I too experienced a stroke just 5 months ago. While I am beginning to walk with the assistance of a cane, my right arm is completely numb and motionless. I also have lost my ability to speak. The lack of verbal communication and use of my right arm/hand has significantly cut into my work skills as a software coder and providing technical support to my clients. My physical limitations also make it very challenging to provide the level of support required for my wife.

We are at our wits as what to do next with our lives, but certainly relocating from our current two-story home is priority for us, as stairways are not practical and actually a danger if we were to experience a need to exit the house quickly. But the immediate need is financial, in that Faith is not able to work at all. I am returning to about 20% capacity with my self-employment, but the 5 months of non-work/recovery has taken a huge financial hit upon us.

The biggest hurdle at present is being able to pay the rent and utilities, and secondarily to pay the mounting medical bills. Unfortunately, during the time of my wife's hospitalization, we were in a lapse between medical insurance change over. Thus all of her medical bills are our responsibility.

I have never been one to ask for help, but I am at a loss as for making ends meet at the present time. Medicare and Disability have been initiated, but that will take some time (up to 8 months) before we begin receiving that assistance. I am asking for any financial help that can be shared with Faith and I.

God Bless ,Doug

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